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Your Own Anti Wrinkle Cream

7 May

Do you know that many foods are used in making a good recipe of natural anti wrinkle cream? and not necessary to hunt all over specialty stores to get the ingredients? There as below could be the simple ways to make your own anti wrinkle cream;

>Coconut Oil : The quickest recipe is to simply apply coconut oil to your face and neck the way you would any anti wrinkle cream, gently massaging it into your skin at night.

>Banana mash : Mash a portion of a banana until it is very creamy and spread it over your face and neck. Leave the banana on your skin for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse it off with warm water and gently patting the skin dry.

>Papaya mash : you can also use a mashed papaya as a recipe for homemade anti wrinkle cream. Use the same method for the papaya as you would for a banana, and apply it in the same way.

>Honey : the best recipe for homemade anti wrinkle cream is honey. Simply smear honey over clean skin and leave it on for no more than thirty minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and gently pat dry.

>Apples & Pineapples : apply the juice of green pineapples and apples to the face daily and leave on the skin for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse the juice off with warm water and gently pat the skin dry.

>Another recipe : two tablespoons of cucumber juice, one egg white, one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of rum or brandy, and 1.2 teaspoons of sodium benzoate. Beat the egg white and mix the other ingredients into it and apply it to the skin after chilling it.

Try & proof  its!

Right Shampoo for Right Hair

7 May

Gone are the days when shampoo simply did what it was expected to do, which was to clean hair by removing dirt and other buildup on it. But these days, there are many kinds of shampoos to choose from, that anyone shopping for shampoo will have to consider several things to make sure he or she gets the one that is best for his or her specific hair type.

1. For fine but oily or limp hair, your best bet is a shampoo that boasts of volumizing features. Avoid shampoo-and-conditioner formulas or those with a high priority on moisturizing, as this will only weigh down your limp hair. You would benefit best from daily shampooing, or every other day. This technique will help you get a sleek and radiant look. Be careful to apply conditioner only every two days. Should you prefer to use conditioner daily, be sure to apply it only to the ends of your hair. If you are a person who uses a lot of styling products, revert to a clarifying shampoo once every week in order to get rid of product buildup. Experts also recommend using cold or lukewarm water. Using water that is too hot will cause hair cuticles to open, making your scalp and hair too dry, which results in oil glands compensating for that loss of moisture.

2. For curly hair, your choice should be a moisturizing shampoo, because curly hair tends to be coarse or dry. This is because the oils from the scalp are not able to down the hair as easily as with straight hair. This is also the reason why curly hair looks better when you don’t shampoo daily. Common moisturizers for shampoos best for curly hair include beeswax, shea butter, or nut oils. Experts recommend conditioner especially for curly hair.

3. If your hair is color-treated, color-protection shampoos would work best for you. The ingredients of these type of shampoos should be gentle cleansers such as ceramides which do not strip hair strands of their color. Some shampoos come with a color guard system or light reflecting formulas to nourish the hair and protect it from external aggressions. Experts explain that color-treated hair is in need of moisture. As such they recommend applying a hair masque about once a month to add moisture to the hair as well as to make it more manageable.

4. For thick and unruly dry hair, creamy shampoos should be your choice. They typically have ingredients that help to smoothen and detangle hair, as well as to diffuse static. Hair experts recommend a leave-in product for thick and unruly hair.

5. If you are prone to split-ends or substantial hair fall, you now have many options of shampoos geared especially to fight hair fall due to breakage. Experts recommend washing your hair with cool instead of warm water, as heat causes pores to open up and may result in a greater tendency for hair fall.

6. If you happen to have dandruff, your shampoo choice would have to be anti-dandruff choices. Dandruff is a sign that your scalp is prone to inflammation and irritation, which results in the white flakes. Look for shampoos with a gentle cleaning base, usually those made from coconut or castor oils that are generally gentle on hair while keeping your scalp in its natural balance.

7. For normal hair, double formula shampoos are fine to use. Shampoo and conditioner mixes can be used. Among the choices, the best ones are those that help protect your hair from environmental factors, as well as those that come with a system to maintain the hair’s pH level.

When you understand the mechanics of choosing the best shampoo, you will most likely experience healthier and easier to manage hair, no matter what your hair type. Also, you won’t be easily conned into trying the latest product when you know it isn’t even suitable for your hair type! This will save you much money in the long run. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t pamper your hair once in a while; you deserve a special treat once a month wherein you indulge in a treatment that rejuvenates your hair and scalp!

Getting Healthy Skin Without Bad Chemicals

7 May

Your skin is like an advertisement for your inner health. If you take care of yourself, exercise regularly, and consume a balanced diet, you will exude a healthy, attractive glow. If you eat a lot of junk food, barely exercise, smoke, or consume alcohol in excess, this will come across in a poorly colored and splotchy complexion. Of course, there are any number of reasons why skin looks good or bad, but health is undoubtedly the most important factor, and it’s the one that you have the most control over. You can’t change your genes, but you can control your own behavior.
The problem with most skin-care products is that they contain tons of weird synthetic chemicals that can’t be good for you skin. Even if you do everything else right, drowning your otherwise healthy skin in a bunch of factory-produced toxins is not going to do your complexion any favors. The good news is that there are ways to get healthy skin naturally, without resorting to overpriced, overrated products. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

You’ve probably heard the common myth that we need 8 glasses of water a day in order to be healthy. This has been proven to be an exaggeration, but the basic fact remains. Water is essential for all the body’s system, but it’s especially crucial for the skin, which uses water to flush out toxins and build new cells. Rather than counting glasses, just be sure to sip water throughout the day, and avoid overindulging in dehydrators such as coffee and alcohol.

>Moderate sun exposure
Too much sun can dry out the skin and in the long run can lead to rough skin, wrinkles, age spots, freckles, and even cancer. However, it is good for the body to get a certain amount of sun every day. You don’t need much; just a few minutes will do. If you’re going to be out in the sun for any longer than that, protect your skin with SPF sunscreen made of natural chemicals. It also helps to avoid getting too much sun exposure during the peak hours between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. During these hours, supplement your sunscreen by wearing hats and other items that cover the skin.

There are about a million reasons to quit smoking if you haven’t done so already, but here’s another one. Smoking is one of the worst things that you can do to your skin. It cuts off blood flow to the skin cells, which leads to premature wrinkles. Caffeine and alcohol are not quite as bad as smoking, but they should be kept to a minimum if you want to keep your skin in pristine condition. Moderate amounts of red wine can be beneficial due to wine’s antioxidant content, but again, don’t overdo it.
Good mental health is also crucial for healthy skin. Severe stress can lead to poor complexion and even breakouts. Finding time to relax will not just benefit your mood, but it will also give your skin a more healthy glow. There are any number of ways to encourage relaxation and reduce stress, but you might want to try methods such as yoga, which has huge benefits beyond the skin.
Meanwhile, you can’t have healthy skin without good sleep. Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night so that your skin cells have plenty of time to rejuvenate. And during the day, there are plenty of little things you can do to keep your skin healthy. It may seem like a small thing, but simply keeping your hands away from your face when you’re not washing can do wonders.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of antioxidants. Some of the claims about antioxidants’ power have been overblown, but there’s no denying that these little molecules can have huge benefits for the skin. Try to consume plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables such as berries, carrots, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes, and you can also get a pretty good supply from things like red wine and green tea. In addition to antioxidants, these fruits and vegetables provide an array of vitamins and minerals that keep your skin fresh and your cells running smoothly.
In general, it’s best to go for vegetables that have the highest nutritional value, but try to get an array of foods rather than eating the same things over and over. Dark leafy greens such as spinach and chard contain numerous nutrients that are great for the skin, but if you rely on these too heavily you’ll end up missing out on crucial vitamins that other vegetables can provide. A good rule of thumb is to make an effort to eat four or five different colors of fruits and vegetables every day. It may seem simple, but it works.

Anti-Aging Strategies for Your Skin

7 May

Looking good and feeling great, this is the result of having a good skin. A healthy and clear complexion will not only boost a person’s confidence, it also has a tremendous impact on a person’s well-being and enjoyment of life. The skin is our body’s guard from bacteria, chemicals, and dirt found from the external environment. Apart from this, having a fair skin complements one’s appearance. As a result, it largely determines a person’s image and impression on others. Everyone always dreamed of having a fairer, smoother complexion just like the skin we were born with. But how can we when years of photo damage from sun exposure have already darkened and damaged the skin? Although we can never reverse the changes that have occurred to our skin, there are plenty of ways to slow down skin aging and help the skin recover from the harm brought about by excessive exposure to the sun, dirt, and bacteria.

>Basic Skin Care
We all know that basic skin care begins with proper hygiene. That means taking a bath with soap and water at least once daily, and washing the face at least twice a day to cleanse the skin from dust and dirt. These may block the pores thus causing pimples and blackheads. Pimples occur due to blockage and infection of the oil glands on the skin. Luckily, you can get rid of them by using a cleanser with antimicrobial properties to wash the face. With the help of a dermatologist, you may use pimple creams and gels containing benzoyl peroxide, which you can apply to dry up the zit. Likewise, use a moisturizer to nourish and protect the skin. Do this at least twice a day; in the morning and before you retire to bed–even if you have oily skin or pimples. A good moisturizer keeps the skin soft, supple, and well-hydrated. It will also help normalize the production of sebum (oil) on the layer of the skin, so that it will neither become excessively dry nor too oily. A dry skin is very much prone to wrinkles and lines, whereas very oily skin appears greasy, shiny, and the pores can get easily clogged with sebum and bacteria.

>Caring for Dry Skin
Having a dry skin can be caused by a variety of reasons. Commonly, the condition is inherited but it can also be the result of using strong soaps, inadequate fluid intake, and an air-conditioned environment that can dehydrate the skin. Using very hot water to wash the skin can further aggravate the dryness. To prevent dry skin, one should only use lukewarm water and avoid using strong soaps. Use ones that are pH-balanced. After which, don’t forget to apply an emollient as often as possible to hydrate the skin.

>Beauty From Within
Because of the nourishment needed to sustain a fair, healthy skin, it is true that the skin also mirrors the condition of the body from within.
A person’s diet may contribute to his health and subsequently, the complexion of the skin. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and drink water at least six to eight glasses in a day. Steer clear of tea, caffeine and alcohol, which may increase fluid loss from the body and promote dehydration.
Another skincare tip is to have regular exercise. Working out improves blood circulation and skin tone. Having adequate rest and sleep is also essential as it is during sleep that our skin regenerates itself.

>Dealing with Photo damage
Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation from the sun over many years may cause harmful effects to the skin cells. This is known as photo damage. Strong sunlight can lead to premature aging of the skin. This can begin with sunburn and peeling of the skin which, if left unmanaged, will lead to a series of cellular changes of the skin giving the skin a wrinkled appearance and some skin discoloration. Overexposure to sunlight also increases the risk for skin cancer. Therefore, if you have to go out, use sunscreen with a Sun Protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher to exposed parts of the body to help prevent sunburns. Wear dark colored clothing to prevent sunlight from reaching the skin. We further recommend wearing clothes made from natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and silk, that allows the skin to “breathe”.While wrinkling as part of the aging process cannot be avoided, by having a healthy lifestyle and following the precautionary measures above, we can prevent premature aging and further damage to our delicate skin.

7 Faktor Penyebab Rambut Rontok

6 May

Siapa sangka polusi dan gigi berlubang ternyata dapat menyebabkan kerontokan rambut. Berikut ini tujuh faktor eksternal di luar kebiasaan kita sehari-hari yang ternyata berpengaruh langsung pada kerontokan dan kerusakan rambut;
1. Diet ketat
Masalah ini yang paling sering terjadi pada wanita. Karena ingin memiliki tubuh yang langsing, diet pun dilakukan habis-habisan hingga tanpa sadar tubuh kekurangan nutrisi dan vitamin. Tentunya nutrisi untuk rambut pun jadi tak tercukupi. Diet berlebihan juga membuat berat badan turun drastis dalam waktu singkat, dan ini membuat batang rambut menjadi lemah, mudah patah, dan mudah tercabut dari akarnya.
2. Merokok
Selain buruk bagi kesehatan, merokok juga dapat menghambat suplai oksigen ke rambut, yang menyebabkan rambut kekurangan nutrisi. Selain itu, merokok juga terbukti mempercepat proses penuaan, dan salah satu tanda penuaan adalah rambut rontok, bahkan kebotakan pada pria.
3. Stres
Saat sedang stres, tubuh memproduksi hormon kortisol dan noradrenalin. Kedua hormon ini membuat rambut “beristirahat” dan tidak memproduksi rambut baru. Jadi selama stres, kerontokan rambut mungkin tak akan bertambah, namun rambut yang rontok ini tak akan digantikan oleh rambut yang baru. Kabar baiknya, kondisi ini hanya akan bertahan selama stres berlangsung. Setelah stres berakhir, sel-sel rambut pun akan kembali berproduksi.
4. Polusi
Tinggal di kota membuat kita rentan polusi. Asap knalpot kendaraan bermotor adalah jenis polusi yang terburuk bagi rambut karena jika terpapar pada rambut dapat menyebabkan rambut menjadi lemah dan mudah rontok. Tinggal di desa tak menjamin rambut bebas terkena polusi, karena ternyata pestisida yang digunakan untuk membasmi hama di sawah dan kebun juga dapat menyebabkan kerontokan jika terpapar pada rambut.
5. Sinar matahari
Sinar matahari baik bagi kita, terutama untuk menstimulasi produksi vitamin D. Namun jika rambut terlalu lama terekspos sinar matahari tanpa perlindungan sama sekali, rambut bukan saja bisa jadi kering dan rapuh, tapi juga bercabang.
6. Bahan kimia di produk rambut
Meluruskan, mengeriting, mewarnai, dan berbagai jenis perlakuan pada rambut yang biasa dilakukan di salon, pasti menggunakan produk yang mengandung bahan kimia. Sekali dua kali tak apa, tapi terlalu sering mengotak-atik rambut dengan produk-produk ini justru akan membuat rambut rapuh dan rusak.
7. Gigi berlubang
Jangan anggap remeh gigi berlubang, apalagi jika sudah mencapai tahap infeksi. Tubuh akan memproduksi lebih banyak sel darah putih untuk melawan infeksi, dan sel darah putih itu akan terdistribusikan ke folikel rambut, yang akan membuatnya berhenti memproduksi rambut sama sekali. Jika dibiarkan, tak jarang pasien infeksi gigi mengalami kebotakan di satu area kecil di kepala. Lokasi kerontokan biasanya dekat dengan posisi gigi yang terkena infeksi. Pada pria, terkadang infeksi gigi juga berpengaruh pada kerontokan alis atau janggut.